Monday, July 28, 2014

Discussion: Bookworm Problems


Edited 12/1/2016

Well, my birthday was fantastic, but it has led me to a new bookworm problem. I acquired so many books that I will need a new bookshelf once I move. Most of my books are in storage right now ( I know. It's super sad). I, however, keep acquiring more. I left Maryland with a backpack that had a couple of books in it, and now? Keep reading, and you'll see.

I was getting close to needing a new bookshelf before, but now I need a new bookshelf. Photographic evidence of needing a new shelf!

 Evidence 1: A handful of books from the old shelf. This picture doesn't even include Chris's books. Or a good chunk of my books.

 Evidence 2: Okay, this is more just to show off my birthday presents from the hubby. Barnes and Nobles have these GORGEOUS hardcover books. I think there were like 15-20 of them. He got me Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Wicked/ Son of a Witch. They're so pretty and shiny. Ooooo! They have built in bookmarks and are all gold on the side. They're gorgeous. Oh, also a minion because I love Minions.

Get the fancy books! Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Other Stories 
Wicked/Son of a Witch

Evidence 3: Remember that book haul post I did a little while ago? Yeah, I had lunch with Leslie and I got them from her. She also added three other books for me.

None of these pictures include the backpack of books I have, which has multiplied because places like blogging for books exist. I'm also only minutes from a bargain book store. I might have a serious addiction. I don't care, though.

This rambling leads me to "bookworm problems." I want to hear what your reader problem is.

Here goes:
1. I got so many books in one day that I need a new bookshelf.
2. I have so many books that I don't know what to read first.
3. I want to read all of my new books at once but haven't mastered reading more than one book at a time.
4. I'm about to start classes in August, which is going to put a dent in my reading for a fun time.
5. Chris is probably going to ban me from buying any more books for the next, oh, I don't know, century?

These are just a few of my bookworm problems. What are some of yours?

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