Saturday, July 20, 2024

Book Review: Fairy Godmurder by Sarah J. Sover


Goodreads Summary: Gwendolyn Evenshine thought being a fairy godmother would be cut and dried—take on a charge, solve a royal problem, and return to the Academy for her next assignment. But she got too close.

When the beloved Princess Francesca is brutally murdered on her watch, Gwen refuses to resume her fairy godmother duties. Instead, she laces her docs and hits the streets of Boston in search of the bastard who took Frankie from her, a serial killer who operates in lunar cycles. But Gwen's magic is on the fritz, and bodies are piling up.

Gwen enlists the talents of Chessa Moon, an upbeat pixie crime blogger who will do anything for a scoop. Together, they open new leads as they race against the hunter's moon. As the killer hits closer and closer to home, Gwen is forced to confront her past and nail the killer, or she'll lose more than just her shot at vengeance—she'll lose the only person in her life worth a damn.

Goodreads Rating: 4.3 stars with 46 ratings
Genre Listing: Urban Fantasy, Fantasy, Fae
Goodreads/StoryGraph Challenge: 17/40
2024 Reading Challenge: #3 Read a book under 400 pages

Book Review:

Hello, Readers! I hope everyone is doing well, as always. I've been swamped lately and haven't had a chance to read much or post. I'll try to post a catch-up post sometime next week. Let's jump to the book review, shall we?

I picked up Fairy Godmurder while I was at JordanCon in April. While there, I attended a panel Sarah was on, and we hung out a bit at the dance party. So, if nothing else, pick up Fairy Godmurder (and Sarah's other books) just because she's a lovely human. I was worried about reading the books I got from JordanCon because I was worried I wouldn't like them and the authors would know. That won't be a problem with Fairy Godmurder, as I really enjoyed the book.

Fairy Godmurder is an entertaining paranormal mystery. It's short and easy to get through, which is just what I needed to read. The story presents a lot of possible suspects, which I enjoyed. The murderer was one I had suspected from the beginning, but there were enough red herrings to keep it interesting. I also appreciate the gruesome details of how the murders were committed. The murder weapon was definitely different.

I really liked Gwen and Chessa. They were both a lot of fun. I loved the amount of detail that Sarah put into the story to make the world seem plausible. She thought of everything, like how a fairy or pixie would ride in a car, how their clothes would work, and so much more. There were also different types of creatures, like a griffin.

I highly recommend Fairy Godmurder if you want a Paranormal Mystery, which is a quick, light read. I'll definitely be checking out Sarah's other books in the future! 

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