Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Virtual Book Display - Volume 1 Elf on a Shelf

 Hi Readers! It will be a bit before my next book review, so I wanted to try something fun. I keep seeing memes going around with funny book displays. For example:

These gave me a good laugh, so I thought I'd try my hand at making a virtual one. Plus, it sounds more entertaining than reading peer-reviewed Human Resource journals. What I've done is thought of different display themes and found some books through Google. I'll post each display theme one at a time. Feel free to comment with books to add to that fit! 

Today's display is Elf on a Shelf. (No, I'm not pushing the use of this creepy bastard or trying to get in the Christmas Spirit before my beloved Halloween.) I've realized I have not read nearly enough books with elves in them and haven't actually read any of the books below. (Yeah, I know. I'm a terrible nerd for not reading LOTR. I do not enjoy classics and couldn't get through The Hobbit.)  I'll remedy my lack of elf-reading at some point. Santa's Spying Serial Killer need not apply.

  • The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Elvish by S.G. Prince
  • Lords and Ladies by Terry Pratchett
  • Blood of Elves by Andrzej Sapkowski
  • The Elvenbane by Anre Norton

Alrighty, so there's my first attempt at a funny virtual bookshelf. Let me know in the comments what you think and what you'd add! I've got two more lists that I'll post at some point. If you have one in mind, let me know that too!


  1. The Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks? *ducks from the tomatoes thrown by high fantasy snobs*

    It's not regarded as a must-read series, but I'm not a literary critic by any means. The Shannara series was actually the first fantasy series I remember reading, and while there's the usual "this is just a Lord of the Rings ripoff" complaint, I honestly enjoyed it.

    1. I think the enjoyment factor is most important. Also, for some reason this made me start quoting Monty Python in my head. Something Something book snobs' mothers being a hamster and their fathers smelling of elderberries.


Thank you for reading my book blog. Please feel free to leave a comment to further or start a discussion on the book reviews and other posts. If you have a book recommendation for me, I would love to hear it!